terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011

Another model assembled by Rarra

I have to confess
Rarely I feel so happy in my life


quinta-feira, 16 de junho de 2011

terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011


Another model for downloadEdited by friend Icthus7  http://icthus7-papercraft.blogspot.com/
Much easier to assemble than the other
Icthus7 simplified 3D model
This makes it a lot easier
To assemble, and to unfold
I want to learn how to make this
Danilo Nadask also did unfold this model
But many people complained about the size of the model
Because he has not done the same scale of other characters
And also the organization of parts
So here is the smaller model
And with more organized parts.

 Download Trunks No Lines
Download Trunks Lines 

terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2011

Trunks Papercraft

Hello friends
I said before that my arm is hurt
So I can not make new models
But I had a 3D model
edited and ready to become papercraft
I did not want to make you wait
So I sent the model to a comradre
He did unfold and the model is available for download.

Thanks to friend Icthus7 http://icthus7-papercraft.blogspot.com/
to edit the 3D model
reducing the polygons

And the staff of PapercraftZone (Danillo Souza e Silva Shilian) for giving me a hand. In fact, they gave me a whole arm.

There a link with this and other works of the couple.


Olá amigos
Eu disse antes que meu braço está machucado
Por isso não posso fazer novos modelos
Mas eu tinha um modelo 3D
editado e pronto pra transformar-se em papercraft
Eu não queria fazer vocês esperarem
Então enviei o modelo para um comradre
Ele fez o unfold e o modelo está disponivel para download.

Muito obrigado ao amigo Icthus7 http://icthus7-papercraft.blogspot.com/
por editar o modelo 3D
reduzindo os poligonos

E ao pessoal do PapercraftZone (Danillo Souza e Shiliane Silva) por me darem uma mão. Ne verdade, eles me deram um braço inteiro.

Aqui o link com esse e outros trabalhos do casal.

Kakashi paperkraft

0k, no more waiting
You can download now
If you want the version with Sharingan
Comment asking for it
When we get to 50 comments, the version with sharingan
will be released


segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2011

0k mission accomplished

Stay alert
The Kakashi is ready
Will be published shortly in http://www.nerdzord.com/

This is the normal version
If you want the version with the Sharingan
Ask for it in the comments

quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011

I'm back

New mouse
Returning to the old project
Sorry for the delay
I restarted the project
I did everything again from the beginning
But now is better
And not only that
The model will be released in two versions
Just wait a little longer
Thanks for your patience
Sorry for my bad English